Author, Teacher, Techie, Dad
B. Duane Smith
Too Many Hobbies!
Kayak Fishing
My wife and kids surprised me with a fishing kayak for my birthday some years ago. Not being one to EVER leave anything alone, I have accessorized it heavily and enjoy taking it out on lakes and float trips from time to time. Funny how ALL those time to times aren't nearly as often as I would like!
Star WarsTM Models
In May, 1977 the Science Fiction/Fantasy movie genre was changed forever with a Western set in space "A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away." I was 20 years old at the time. Seeing it on a huge movie screen in the age slightly before multiplex cinemas I was hooked. Even though the spacecraft and combat in the story aren't quite technically correct, they have become icons. My family gifts me with 1/72 scale models. I've experimented with painting techniques and LED lighting to add even more complexity to the kits.
PVC Lightworks
In 2021 I saw some cool projects with PVC pipe. I loved Tinker Toys as a kid, and PVC is the new Adult-sized tinker toy set. Lighting and carving take these adult toys to a whole new level. Don't tell my daughters and daughter-in-law that they'll be getting something really different from me for Christmas this year!