The End of 2021 Already!?
Keeping up with the BLOG is an interesting experiment in routines. Since I seem to have little routine for these updates, I haven't done...
A few days after Thanksgiving, 2020, I was tested positive for the COVID-19 virus. Some people with the virus barely notice. Others...
Razor's Path Published! Next step is...
Razor's Path has been uploaded, converted, and will be available on several book sites as an eBook in November, 2020. I'm very excited...
The Dark Razor Saga Book 2 Almost Ready
It's been a few years since Don's encounter on Sh'Douth in the secret war between illegal cloners and the Mortuus. Don feels empty,...
The Dark Razor Saga, Book 2 Coming Soon
It's been a handful of years since Don's encounter on Sh'Douth and the secret war between illegal cloners and the Mortuus. He doesn't...