The End of 2021 Already!?
Keeping up with the BLOG is an interesting experiment in routines. Since I seem to have little routine for these updates, I haven't done very well with it! It's well over a year since my last Blog entry. However, I have been keeping a little more regular with the left side updates on the website itself.
So, I got out of COVID-19 with no recognizable long-lasting effects. There was no hospitalization, so like the 90+% of other people, I had some symptoms and then it was over. My Doctor essentially insisted, though, that I still get the vaccine, so my wife and I reluctantly complied with the 2-shot dose earlier this year. The second dose wasn't very good for me. I spent about 2 days feeling achy, exhausted, and resentful. And just like the TV sales pitches, there was the "But wait! There's more!" Along comes another Doctor visit and, Yes, Bruce Duane, you TOO need a booster shot. Blech. I reluctantly got that one, as well. Just this week, those scientists and experts claimed that if a person had COVID-19, AND the vaccinations, AND the booster, they are a whopping 37,000% LESS likely to catch COVID again. Or at least the Omicron variant. 37,000%! That's a really big number. As far as I can tell there has yet to be a Zombie Apocalypse from the vaccinated. If there is, I'm probably 37,000% likely to be among the first wave of brain-eating walking dead.
In the meantime I was able to re-edit all four of the ISFS series of books and submit them to actual paperback printing. I printed a scant few, and have a couple sets out on loan with a third set donated to our local county Public Library under the local authors section. The librarian staff read through the books just to make sure they don't violate policies, protocols, or library standards, and now they are on the shelf ready and waiting to be checked out. It's cool to see them along with the other local authors, most of whom write recipe books, self-help books, history books, and a couple of romance and mystery categories.
Also, please check out the website in the BIO portion. For years I've been described as having too many hobbies, so I added a page displaying some photos and descriptions of a few. Other website updates include an ISFS Timeline and character overview. I tried to keep spoilers out of the lists which is really hard to do, and probably why other authors don't put such things in their sites. Oh, well.
Until next time (month? quarter? year?) stay safe, stay healthy and stay informed. BDSmith