A few days after Thanksgiving, 2020, I was tested positive for the COVID-19 virus. Some people with the virus barely notice. Others must be hospitalized, and many, including some friends of mine, have lost their life. I fell somewhere in between, on the milder side of the problem. The common symptoms like loss of taste and smell, along with heavy fatigue was made a bit worse with a severe sinus infection. No hospital, though. Just 10 days of feeling bad.
The impact on our lives was made just a little worse this week. My 85-year-old Dad had to enter a Memory Care facility. An email from the facility, today, said that due to several residents testing positive, all visits are cancelled for a minimum of one week. That's tough on Dad, who lives for visits from his family.
It also caused me to think about the books and stories of Space Travel. Lots of stories are out there about microbes and illnesses encountered by SciFi characters. I touched on that briefly when MaryLiz was ill due to bad filtration on a planet with untold airborne biologics. Perhaps I should delve deeper into the issue in the on-going stories. While I'm averse to another COVID storyline, it is certainly food for thought! What do you think?