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Contracted Ships, Captains & Crew

Razor's Edge - Captain Donrazor Landfall:

Alexander class III vessel with interchangeable pods.

Donrazor is Human. No claimed world citizenship, resides on frozen planet he calls Iceball.  Former "Enforcer" (also known as assassin or hit-man).  Also pilots his highly customized and personal Concordia Class II shuttle, Lancet Terminus. No permanent crew.

Primary character in The Dark Razor Saga.

Appearances: The Dark Razor, Razor's PathThe StaffSweetness


Claymore and Claymore II - Captain Mason "Mac" McMurtry:

Hermes class Fast Freighter (Claymore) and Prototype extended Fast Freighter (Claymore II) with four large interchangeable service pods, two tuck-away worker-bee class tugs and aged Junebug class shuttlecraft. 

McMurtry is Human. Citizen of Hunter's World (also known as Trappist-1e) in the Trappist-1 system, 39 light years from Old Earth.  

Permanent Crew:  Porie Fiet, freight handler.  Argnonie race from planet destroyed during the Mortuus War. 

Assigned Crew: Manny Muentz, mech-tech & engineer.  

Appearances: Razor's PathThe Staff


Sweetness - Captain Callie Leong:  

Linstroth class compact freighter with extendable grappling / maintenance arm.

Leong is Human. Citizen of New Earth and Core Navy veteran.  Divorced with one adult daughter.  

Permanent Crew:  T'Grawn, freight handler.  Ericusian race bound to Callie Leong for life out of personal choice.   

Appearances: Sweetness, The Staff


Ericus - Captain Maurice Fontaine:

Espenschied class medium heavy freighter with shielding panels.  Ericus was a former pirate freighter purchased by Maurice and Camille Fontaine in exchange for another ship.  The shielding panels gave the ship a scaly quill-like appearance.  

Fontaine is human, and a former fighter pilot in service with a Cerberus based pirate fleet, granted amnesty for providing aid against his former fleet commander.  Resides with his family on the planet New Chappelle.

Permanent Crew: Camille Fontaine, senior mech-tech.  Paula Laurent, senior mech-tech and co-pilot, sister of Camille.

Appearances: Sweetness, The Staff


Siren's Call - Captain Everett Hatcher:

Comet class medium freighter known for superior lift capability on high-gravity planets. 

Everett Hatcher is human, and citizen of New Earth.  

No permanent crew.

Appearances: The Staff



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