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Writing A.D.D. - Does it ever end?

As a "new" author -- well, an older guy getting into writing, anyway, I find that the more I write the more I WANT to write! But controlling the urge to start another story, change the plot, add another character that changes the story which changes the plot, is a REAL CHALLENGE!

So I'm curious how other authors control those urges and just FOCUS on what they do.

The Short Stories of the book I'm putting together called Tales From Inter-Space Freight Services, Ltd.: The Staff, has spawned a couple of characters whose story is getting a little longer than "short". But maybe that's not such a bad thing.

It seems that a REAL effective marketing technique for a bunch of the new breed of writers - those that can publish on the Internet services and bypass the hundreds of rejection letters from traditional "real book" publishers - is to put a free work out there. People LOVE free stuff! I got started in eBook reading by picking up the freebies first! And doing so has introduced me to some really good authors! M.Pax is one of those whose series The Backworlds has me buying and waiting to buy the next one. In truth, her stories, and her responses to my first couple of emails inspired me to stop THINKING about it and actually WRITE a story of my own!

But I wonder. How do these really GOOD writers stay focued?

Continuing my journey. B Duane Smith

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