Free Books Sell!
Since publishing Tales from Inter-Space Freight Services, Ltd.: Sweetness and offering it as a free novella, several copies have been picked up on Amazon and Barnes & Noble. This is exciting for any author, especially new authors! There are two reviews, one 4-star (B&N site) and one 5-star (Amazon). Any feedback is welcome, because the negative stuff helps you learn and you try again to do better, but in a different way. Positive feedback helps you know that there are people out there who like what you do, and that's a reward in itself. I never entertained (for very long anyway!) the notion that I'd make enough money to "retire" early from my day-job, so selling things for free keeps that thought alive (Yes, I am often a fan of Captain Obvious!). What's more, heading into the Holidays this year, I can share with my family and friends that "YES! I HAVE sold some books!"