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Holidays in Stories?

Having read enough SciFi to fill a room full of bookshelves, well, maybe a SMALL room, one thing that often seems missing is Holiday celebrations. Will there be holidays in the future? I sure HOPE so! Since most of SciFi and Fantasy still focus on humans and their trials, I firmly believe that holidays and celebrations are part of our humanity. In The Dark Razor, one of Don's past jobs takes place after what seems like a New Year's Celebration. Now that we're in that time of year in the U.S., with three major observed holidays within 6 weeks of each other I've been re-thinking stories and how those next in my massive "To Write" list should incorporate celebrations. Holidays commemorating events often form the backdrop of our own human high spots - and low ones, too. If you read this I'd welcome any comments about SciFi or Fantasy stories you've read that include special days as a part of the story or plot. Thanks. And....Happy Holidays!

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